Shortly into my sobriety journey, I was introduced to the topic and concept of raising your vibration with frequency music and it has changed my life! Frequency music is usually only instrumental, with possibly a few chants, mantras, or hums played at a variety of Hertz(Hz) each with a different capacity for healing. From helping to cleanse your soul, body & home, to releasing fear, judgment, anxiety, and depression to cultivating bliss, love, positive energy, miracles, and abundance... this music has been nothing short of miraculous healing for me.
Literally every single day over the past few years I have been listening to these channels. Often, it's all day long in the background while working for faith FACtORY, throughout my day at home, and even in my car. It's the first thing I turn on in the morning and it always eases me into my day with a calm & Light heart. I don't quite understand all the science behind it yet, but I can understand the impact it's had on my mood, mental health, sobriety, and spiritual journey so far and I'm incredibly grateful for that.
As they say in the program, we have to give it away to keep it, so without further ado here are my Top 5 Favorite Channels for Free, yep free, listening to heal and raise your vibration on YouTube.
1 - Meditative Mind
With over 1 billion views and 47 million subscribers, this is an energy powerhouse and the first channel I happened to stumble upon. Or as I believe with many things in life, I think it found me more than I found it! You can literally feel the positive vibes in your body from over 1400+ exclusive tracks as you listen. Ambient music heals the mind, body & Spirit, removing negative energy, cleansing and raising positive energy. This channel has something for everyone. And it's Mike's (my fiancé's) favorite as well!
2 - Self-Healing Collective
Self-Healing Collective assists humanity in raising our vibration so that more love, compassion, and positive growth may bloom in our hearts, thus then creating ripple effects that manifest a healthy environment on a mass scale. These positive vibes are felt throughout the music they provide and the ethereal illustrations presented on screen. Beautiful for your eyes and ears.
"If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration."
~ Nikola Tesla
3 - Inner Lotus
The music and videos from Pierre of Switzerland have a truly captivating quality. I am mesmerized by their beauty and easily lulled into sleep or meditation.
People often comment about a peace and Light from me, but I know this doesn’t come from me myself. Inner Lotus is one of the sources that fills me up so much that it spills out and radiates for others to see and feel, which I’m sure is what they are seeing and feeling. Higher frequency and vibration at its finest!
4 - Divine white light
Lany, the creator of Divine White Light, is an Energy Healer and Reiki Master. She is dedicated to promoting awareness of the unlimited power of the mind as well as facilitating and teaching energy healing.
Her Reiki-style approach to energy healing, which is transmitted through the music and her on-screen hands brings an awareness, surrendering, and release of both mental and physical healing unlike any of the other channels.
5 - Positive Energy Relaxation
Positive Energy Relaxation has the perfect combination of high vibration healing frequencies to eliminate and overcome stress, relieve anxiety, depression, and sleep problems as well as music to relax your mind to increase concentration for work and study.
Put it on and watch… everyone from your pest control man (yes this happened) to co-workers will comment on the serene energy surrounding your environment.
There’s something about this music that truly unites me to the being of my soul while connecting me to the vibration of others on Earth. Whether listening in the background, as a part of a meditation or yoga practice, for intentional healing, or for sleep, I’m confident you will find some magical healing here for yourself too! Give it a listen and let me know how you feel after, in the comments below.
With Blessings & Bliss, Elizabeth
Click Here for more tools I keep in my Tool Kit and have offered at faith FACtORY for you!