12 STEP RECOVERY ↠ 12-Pack Crystal Collection... God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
- Rose Quartz, Moonstone, Amethyst, Amazonite, Agate, Tiger's Eye, Sodalite, Moss Agate, Fluorite, Smoky Quartz, Clear Quartz, Quartz Point
- Guide: Keep your crystals close. Focus on your intention. Allow the energy to support you. Feel amazing!
- Each crystal is about 1" x 1"
12 STEP RECOVERY ↠ Crystal Collection
SKU: 4008
Out of Stock
- Each crystal is labeled with an Intention ↠
- Step 1 — acceptance — rose quartz
- Step 2 — believe - faith — moonstone
- Step 3 — surrender - amethyst
- Step 4— honesty - truth - amazonite
- Step 5 — courage - strength - agate
- Step 6 — willingness - aquamarine — tigers eye
- Step 7 — humility - sodalite
- Step 8 — forgiveness - moss agate
- Step 9 —freedom- make amends - fluorite
- Step 10 — perseverance - continue personal inventory, admit when wrong - smoky quartz
- Step 11 — prayer and meditation - clear quartz
- Step 12 — transformation spiritual awakening, carry this message - quartz point
- Each crystal is labeled with an Intention ↠
Rather than sending a "box of chocolates" for that someone special, gift a meaningful Rox Box. It lasts forever and comes packed with positive intentions and healing vibes.